
We’re proud to offer safe, natural, effective products so you can protect your pets, family and home from mosquitos and ticks. Your confidence, trust and success with our products are important to us. Our highly experienced team can talk you through most any mosquito or tick problem.

If for any reason you aren’t seeing the results you’d hoped for with our products, or have an issue with your order, we want to make it right. If we can’t, we’ll provide a refund to you with no hassle.

Please contact us about any questions or concerns.


Phone: 612-200-0435 (Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CT) to speak directly with our Customer Service Team. Our highly experienced team can talk you through most any mosquito or tick problem.

Our Worry-Free Guarantee

Let us focus on providing you great products so you can enjoy your time outside! If you applied the product following our application instructions and feel the mosquito population still hasn’t been reduced, we'll provide a refund to you with no hassle.